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This is a descriptive text using the sentence patterns covered in 'Lesson 4: Mutual Happiness'. Please refer to the diary of 'Mutual Happiness' for a review of the sentence patterns.
文型リスト | 文型 |
1 | ~以来 (ever since ~) |
2 | ~ような気がする (have a feeling that ~, feel like ~) |
3 | せっかく (go to the trouble of ~ing, long-awaited) |
4 | 〜さえ / ~さえ ~ば (even N / if only ~) |
5 | ~たばかり (have just done) |
6 | ~ないで済む / ~ずに済む (get by without ~ing, it saved me from ~ing) |
7 | XはYほど~ない (X is not so much ~ as Y is / X is not as ~ as Y) |
8 | ~というわけだ (that's why ~, no wonder ~ / so you mean ~) |
9 | ~ば ~のに (if ~, it would be ~) |
I have always struggled with Japanese language.
大学受験を控えた高校3年生の頃、国語が得意な友だちに国語の勉強方法を質問して以来、苦手意識を強く持つようになりました。Since I asked a friend who was good at Japanese about how to study for it when I was a senior in high school preparing for university entrance exams, I have had a strong sense of difficulty.
国語が得意な彼女は、毎日本を読むのが日課でした。She was good at Japanese and made it a daily routine to read books.
いつも手には分厚い本を抱えていました。She always had thick books in her hands.
数日で読み終えてしまうようで、図書館で本を借りてばかりいました。She seemed to finish reading in a few days and was always borrowing books from the library.
国語のテストはいつも100点で、どんなに難しい問題でも余裕でした。She always got 100 points on the Japanese test, no matter how difficult the problem was.
もしかしたら、学年トップだったかもしれません。She might have been at the top of her grade.
一方、私は国語のテストは全然できず、悩んでいました。On the other hand, I couldn't do the Japanese test at all and was struggling.
勉強する時間が足りなかったような気がし、国語に時間を割くようになりました。I felt like I didn't have enough time to study, so I started to devote time to Japanese.
でも、問題集を買って勉強しても、漢字や用語を覚えても点数は上がりませんでした。But even if I bought a workbook and studied, and even if I remembered kanji and terms, my score didn't improve.
勉強さえすれば点数をあげれた数学とは違いました。It was different from math, where I could raise my score if I just studied.
ある日、彼女に国語を勉強する秘訣を聞いてみることにしました。One day, I decided to ask her for the secret to studying Japanese.
すると「国語は答えが書いてあるから簡単だよ?なんでできないのかが分からない。」と言われてしまいました。She said, "Japanese is easy because the answer is written down. I don't understand why you can't do it."
本文を見れば、確かに答えが分かるはずなのに、私はなぜ答えが分からないのかについて疑問を抱くようになりいました。I should have understood the answer by looking at the text, but I began to wonder why I couldn't understand the answer.
本文を読んでいるときに、私は分からない言葉や表現がたくさんあってどんな内容だったのかを明確に把握できませんでした。When I was reading the text, there were many words and expressions I didn't understand and I couldn't clearly grasp what the content was.
辞書を引いても、辞書に書かれている説明の意味を理解できず、納得できないままの言葉がたくさんありました。Even if I looked up in a dictionary, I could not understand the meaning of the explanation written in the dictionary, and there were many words that I couldn't understand.
そのことを彼女に伝えると、「辞書を引かないで済むことが多いから、分からない。」と言われてしまいました。When I told her about it, she said, "I don't understand because I often don't need to look up in a dictionary."
買った辞書を使わず、ロッカーに仕舞い込んでいる様子を見て驚きました。I was surprised to see her putting the dictionary she bought into her locker without using it.
彼女の辞書は私の辞書ほどボロボロになっていなかったのです。Her dictionary was not as worn out as mine.
最近本を読むようになったばかりの状態で、国語の語彙力を高めることはできないということを痛感しました。I recently started reading books and realized that I can't improve my vocabulary in Japanese.
本文を読めば答えを見つけられるというわけではなく、本文の内容を理解する語彙力がないと、答えの意図は理解できないということに気づきました。I realized that it's not that you can find the answer if you read the text, but if you don't have the vocabulary to understand the content of the text, you can't understand the intention of the answer.
私はこれ以来、国語の点数は気にせず、他の科目で補えるように勉強の仕方を考え直すようになりました。Since then, I have stopped worrying about my Japanese grades and started thinking about how to study to make up for them in other subjects.
I am broadcasting this content aloud!