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This is a descriptive text using the sentence patterns covered in 'Lesson 5: Health-Oriented Shortcut Lifestyle'. Please refer to the explanation of 'Health-Oriented Shortcut Lifestyle' for a review of the sentence patterns.
文型リスト | 文型 |
2 | ~たびに(whenever ~; every time ~) |
3 | ~はずだ(be supposed to ~; should ~) |
4 | ~ておく(do something in advance)/ ~ないでおく(leave something undone) |
5 | まず(first of all)/ 次に(next)/ それから(and then)/ 最後に(finally) |
6 | もし~ても(even if ~) |
7 | ~ように(so that ~) |
In Japanese dining, rice is an indispensable element.
普段、炊飯器を使って自動でご飯を炊くので、鍋を使って、炊くことに慣れていない日本人も、多いです。Normally, as rice is automatically cooked using a rice cooker, many Japanese people are not accustomed to cooking rice in a pot.
美味しく炊くポイントは、お米に対する水の量、そして火加減です。The key to cooking delicious rice is the amount of water for the rice, and the heat control.
お米をふっくらと美味しく、炊き上げ、られるように、タイマーを使って判断するのがおすすめです。It is recommended to use a timer to judge when the rice is fluffy and deliciously cooked.
炊飯器が無くてもご飯を作ることができます。You can cook rice even without a rice cooker.
お米を炊く準備をします。First, prepare the rice.
お米はしっかりと洗い、水に30分ほど浸しておくことで、お米が均一に、水を吸収できるようにします。Wash the rice thoroughly and soak it in water for about 30 minutes so that the rice can absorb the water evenly.
次に、1合のお米と180ccの、水を鍋に入れ、火をつけます。Next, put 1 cup of rice and 180cc of water in a pot and turn on the heat.
火加減を適切に管理することはとても重要です。It is very important to manage the heat appropriately.
お米が、鍋の水を吸ってきたら、火を弱火から中火にします。Once the rice has absorbed the water in the pot, change the heat from low to medium.
それから20秒ほどで、お米が、ほぼ全ての水を吸収していきます。Then, in about 20 seconds, the rice will absorb almost all of the water.
最後に火を止めて、お米を10分ほど蒸らします。Finally, turn off the heat and steam the rice for about 10 minutes.
お米を炊くたびに火加減を自分で行うのは大変ですが、ゆっくり料理をしたい気分の日に、鍋でご飯を炊いてみるものいいかもしれません。Adjusting the heat every time you cook rice is hard, but on days when you want to cook slowly, you might want to try cooking rice in a pot.
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