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This is a descriptive text using the sentence patterns covered in 'Lesson 5: Health-Oriented Shortcut Lifestyle'. Please refer to the explanation of 'Health-Oriented Shortcut Lifestyle' for a review of the sentence patterns.
文型リスト | 文型 |
3 | ~はずだ(be supposed to ~; should ~) |
4 | ~ておく(do something in advance)/ ~ないでおく(leave something undone) |
5 | まず(first of all)/ 次に(next)/ それから(and then)/ 最後に(finally) |
6 | もし~ても(even if ~) |
7 | ~ように(so that ~) |
8 | Nにする(decide on N) |
Ginger is known for its unique spiciness and aroma.
体の中から温め、血行を促進する効果や消化を促す効果などもあります。It warms the body from the inside and has effects such as promoting blood circulation and aiding digestion.
生姜を使った料理はたくさんありますが、日本の食卓でよく出されるのは「生姜焼き」です。There are many dishes made with ginger, but one that is often served on Japanese dining tables is "ginger pork".
生姜焼きを食べると、ご飯がいつも以上に進むはずです。Eating ginger pork should make you eat more rice than usual.
今回は、簡単な生姜焼きの作り方を紹介します。Today, I will introduce a simple way to make ginger pork.
生の生姜を擦りおろして作ると香りや味が強まりますが、簡単に作れるように生姜チューブを使うことにしました。Grating fresh ginger intensifies the aroma and flavor, but to make it easy, I decided to use a tube of ginger.
Ingredients (for 2 persons)
- 薄切りの豚ロース:300g
Thinly sliced pork loin: 300g
- 生姜チューブ:大さじ1
Ginger tube: 1 tablespoon
- しょうゆ:大さじ2
Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
- みりん:大さじ2
Mirin: 2 tablespoons
- 砂糖:大さじ1
Sugar: 1 tablespoon
- 玉ねぎ:1個
Onion: 1
How to Cook
First, we make the sauce.
しょうゆ・みりん・砂糖・生姜を混ぜ合わせます。Mix soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and ginger.
このタレに豚肉を浸します。Soak the pork in this sauce.
1時間ほど漬け込んでおくと味がよく豚肉に染み込みます。If you marinate it for about an hour, the flavor will permeate the pork well.
次に玉ねぎを薄く切ってフライパンで軽く炒めます。Next, thinly slice the onion and lightly sauté it in a frying pan.
それから、豚肉も加えて焼き色が付いたら、Then, add the pork and when it gets a grilled color,
最後に蓋をして少し蒸らしたら完成です。finally, put a lid on it and steam it a little to finish.
You can make it with alternative seasonings even if you don't have sugar or mirin.
砂糖の代わりにはちみつを使ったり、氷砂糖を使ったり、みりんの代わりに酒を使ったりすることもできます。You can use honey or rock sugar instead of sugar, and sake instead of mirin.
家庭やお店によって様々な生姜焼きがあるので、お気に入りの生姜焼きに出会えると嬉しいです。Since there are various types of ginger pork depending on the household or restaurant, I would be happy if you could find your favorite ginger pork.
I am broadcasting this content aloud!