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Separate Quartet 1 (P.19~22): List number corresponding to the vocabulary and example sentences to be memorized.
リスト番号 | 単語 | よみがな | 英語訳 |
24 | 甘辛い | あまからい | sweet and spicy |
30 | 幅 | はば | width |
36 | 煮る | にる | boil |
40 | 調整 | ちょうせい | adjust |
全ての単語リスト表は「読み物 説明文:5-d 精錬された回転寿司の環境」を参照してください。
Please refer to the "Reading Material: Explanation Text: 5-d Polished Conveyor Belt Sushi Environment" for the complete word list table.
For Japanese people who have a habit of eating rice every day, side dishes that go well with rice are preferred.
特に味付けを甘辛く調整すると、料理の幅が広がります。Especially, by adjusting the seasoning to be sweet and spicy, the range of dishes expands.
甘辛い味付けは、素材の味を引き立てるだけでなく、食欲をそそる魅力もあります。Sweet and spicy seasoning not only enhances the flavor of the ingredients but also has an appetizing appeal.
今回は肉じゃがを甘辛くして作る方法を紹介します。This time, I will introduce how to make sweet and spicy meat and potatoes.
Ingredients (for 4 persons)
- 鶏もも肉:400g
Chicken thigh: 400g
- じゃがいも:3個
Potatoes: 3
- 玉ねぎ:2個
Onions: 2
- にんじん:1本
Carrot: 1
- 醤油:大さじ4
Soy sauce: 4 tablespoons
- 砂糖: 大さじ3
Sugar: 3 tablespoons
- みりん:大さじ3
Mirin: 3 tablespoons
- 酒:大さじ3
Sake: 3 tablespoons
- 水:2カップ
Water: 2 cups
How to Cook
- 鶏もも肉は一口大に切り、じゃがいも、玉ねぎ、人参も食べやすい大きさに切ります。
Cut the chicken thigh into bite-sized pieces, and also cut the potatoes, onions, and carrots into easy-to-eat sizes.
- 鍋に鶏もも肉を入れ、中火で炒めます。
Put the chicken thigh in a pot and sauté over medium heat.
- 肉の表面が白くなったら、じゃがいも、玉ねぎ、人参を加え 、調味料を全て加えて、約20分煮ます。弱火でコトコトと煮込みます。
Once the surface of the meat turns white, add potatoes, onions, carrots, and all the seasonings, and simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat.
The flavor penetrates more the next day, making it even more delicious.
煮物は作り置きにも便利で、忙しい日のおかずに最適です。Stewed dishes are also convenient for preparing in advance and are ideal for busy day meals.
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